💸 Microsoft invests $2.1 billion in Mistral AI

🦾Plus: 🌎️ World’s Most Used AI Tools

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In today's edition: 🔥

  • 🚀 Mistral reveals Large, Le Chat

  • 🌎️ World’s Most Used AI Tools

  • 🤖 Japan to lead in designing 2nm AI chips.

  • 🤖 Jensen Huang says kids shouldn't learn to code

  • 🤖 AI Racial Bias Test

  • 🎮 Google’s ‘Genie’ enables prompt-to-games

  • 💧 AI's Thirst: Tech Giants' Rising Water Use

  • 📰 Ex-Twitter engineers launch AI news-reader

  • 📱 AI to Replace Apps? T Phone's Bold Move

  • ⚡ 5 Quick AI News Roundup

  • 🤯 A.I. Tools and News

  • 🖼️ A.I. Generated Image of the Day

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Microsoft partners with AI startup Mistral to add Mistral's language models to Azure AI. Mistral claims that Large is the second-best AI model available via an API after GPT-4, and benchmarks follow.

This collaboration aims to develop advanced language models, including Mistral Large, a GPT-4 rival, and a new chatbot, Le Chat.

FlexOS.work surveyed Generative AI platforms to reveal which get used most. While ChatGPT reigns supreme, countless AI platforms are used by millions.

Tenstorrent, led by veterans from Apple and Tesla, and Japan's Rapidus to spearhead the design and development of advanced AI chips using a cutting-edge 2nm process technology.

The exploration of racial bias within AI chatbots by major tech entities—Google, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI—revealed distinct approaches in their handling of race-related prompts.

Ex-Twitter engineers have launched Particle (in private beta) which uses AI to make it easier to consume news and is funded by Twitter and Medium angel investors.

Deutsche Telekom introduces the AI phone concept at MWC, aiming for a unified AI assistant.

The assistant leverages Brain.ai for seamless task execution, replacing conventional apps.

💡 AI Learning

Using AI to Translate Animal Communication - Joe Rogan


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🧠AI Ethics

Facebook and Instagram owner Meta says it will form a team to tackle deceptive artificial intelligence (AI) content in the upcoming EU elections in June.

⚡️Quick AI News Roundup

Jensen Huang says kids shouldn't learn to code — they should leave it up to AI

🤖Prompt Engineering


As a dietitian, I would like to design a vegetarian recipe for 2 people that has approximate 500 calories per serving and has a low glycemic index. Can you please provide a suggestion?

If you found this prompt useful,
You can find 1000+ prompts to increase productivity by clicking here.

🔥AI Tools to supercharge your productivity

  1.  Bard Pdf revolutionizes the way you interact with PDFs.

  2. SEOBy.ai helps you kickstart your marketing efforts and rank higher on search engines without spending a dime.

  3. ChatPaper is a specialized reading assistant crafted for researchers and professionals,

  4. Notification Harbor is an AI customer engagement tool

  5. LaraFast is a powerful way to boost your startup

  6. Persuva uses AI to craft ads that click and convert

  7. QuizRise - Transform your content into engaging quizzes and flashcards effortlessly with QuizRise

View our database of all the best AI tools for your needs:

Have cool resources to share? Submit a tool or reach us by replying to this email.

A.I. Generated Image of the Day

Countries as Anime Characters (source)