🎹 Adobe launches GenAI music tool

🦾Plus: OPPO unveils new OPPO Air Glass 3

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Hey folks! It’s time for the latest edition of AI News Roundup.

In today's edition: 🔥

  • 🐏 Meta to release context-based Llama 3 in July

  • 🚨 Alibaba unveils EMO: Emote Portrait Alive

  • ⚖️ OpenAI sued by 3 more news outlets

  • 👀 Klarna AI agent does the work of 700 support agents

  • 💲 AI Startup Glean Valued at $2.2 Billion

  • 📉 AI chatbots reducing search engine demand

  • ⚡ 5 Quick AI News Roundup

  • 🤯 6 new AI Tools

  • 🖼️ A.I. Generated Image of the Day

And don’t forget to tell us what you thought about today’s newsletter at the end!

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eBook: How to minimize third-party risk with vendor management

A robust vendor management program isn’t just required by compliance frameworks like SOC 2 and ISO 27001. It’s also a critical part of a holistic trust management strategy.

Implementing a vendor management program, however, has become more complex and challenging with the proliferation of SaaS tools and shadow IT. And many overstretched security teams are being asked to do more with less.

To stay compliant and secure — and deepen trust with customers and partners — security teams need a way to proactively manage vendor risk.

This guide from Vanta, the leading trust management platform, brings together perspectives from the frontlines of vendor security management. Get insights and best practices from security and compliance leaders. 

Meta is releasing its newest Large Language Model (LLM)—Llama 3—in July, which is expected to match GPT-4 capabilities and respond to image-based questions.

Adobe just demoed Project Music GenAI Control, a prototype for easily generating and editing audio with AI — allowing creators to craft custom music tracks using text prompts.

This is the most amazing audio2video I have ever seen. It is called EMO, a method that can generate talking head videos with expressive facial expressions, and various head poses.

Following the New York Times and Times lawsuits, three more news organizations—The Intercept, Raw Story, and AlterNet—have filed separate lawsuits against OpenAI, alleging ChatGPT-related copyright infringement.

OPPO Air Glass 3 prototype

Marking a significant breakthrough in XR, OPPO Air Glass 3 can access OPPO's AndesGPT model via a smartphone app for generative AI capabilities.

Swedish fintech giant Klarna has leveraged OpenAI's technology to revolutionize its customer service. In just one month, its AI assistant managed two-thirds of all customer interactions, equating to the workload of 700 human agents.

💡 AI Learning

The Fastest Way to AGI: LLMs + Tree Search – Demis Hassabis (Google DeepMind CEO)


A free weekly newsletter featuring curated news, articles tools, libraries, and cool projects related to Big Data, Data Science, AI, Ai Tools, Machine Learning, Analytics.

🧠AI Ethics

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam‘s Is Artificial Intelligence Racist? The Ethics of AI and the Future of Humanity examines the roots of racism in AI algorithms, tracing them to Enlightenment ideologies

⚡️Quick AI News Roundup

🤖Prompt Engineering

 YouTue ad script

"I need a YouTube ad script that will educate my [ideal customer persona] on a specific [topic] and persuade them to take [desired action] on my [website/product]."

If you found this prompt useful,
You can find 1000+ prompts to increase productivity by clicking here.

🔥AI Tools to supercharge your productivity

  1. Stryng is an AI-powered platform designed to improve the process of content creation.

  2. SeeYourBaby.ai is an innovative platform that utilizes advanced AI to predict the appearance of your future baby

  3. Dittto is the only AI trained on high-converting SaaS websites and fine-tuned by pro copywriters.

  4. Zo represents a pioneering leap into the future of digital communication, marrying the intelligence of AI

  5. Inline Help – the ultimate solution for proactive support that anticipates and addresses customer questions

  6. WallArtMagic -  Generate Ai Images and then transform them into breathtaking wall art!

View our database of all the best AI tools for your needs:

Have cool resources to share? Submit a tool or reach us by replying to this email.

A.I. Generated Image of the Day

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Thanks for reading. UNTIL NEXT TIME 👋

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